martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Having fun!

A short video with some funny moments of our day!

6 comentarios:

  1. Gomez Lahera:
    What a wonderful day! much better than here. These days it's rainy in Zaragoza and you look so happy. Enjoy the trip. Thank the teachers for everything.

  2. I wish I could have gone to that trip, enjoy it and lots of kisses!

  3. Hola a todos!!! que vídeo más chulo! Me alegro de que estéis disfrutando! No se os olvide cuidar a Pablo, Vanessa y Gloria que están mayores!
    Os escribo en español para que no lo olvidéis porque supongo que solo estaréis hablando en inglés.
    Os echamos de menos por el cole.
    Un beso a todos
    Carmen (The nurse)

  4. Hello, thank you very much for the welcome of our children to these such wonderful families.
    Thanks also to teachers for keeping us informed about their activities in that country so nice .. It will be an experience to remember, thank you.
    ...Judith kisses.
